Hi there,
Just a little note here at the top, just to let you know that this site is far more than just the front page, down the side is a Vlog Archive Button, if you have the time, delve in and enjoy. It's all free and mostly either clever or funny, so what have you got to lose but time, time is sadly one of the things I can't refund, but hey! None of us are perfect.
Oh and PS... I love people who comment.

Monday, May 09, 2011


Today marks the passing of one of pjkproductions most stalwart artistes, my cat moo, here I have taken some footage of her last day and spliced it together with some of her most entertaining moments over the years in a montage set to Queen's Forever an extra track from the A Kind Of Magic Album. She will be sadly missed, but she has suffered for about a year now, RIP Moo, sleep well, see you soon.  I love you.

1 comment:

John Pearson said...

So sorry to hear about the death of your much-loved cat. I'm sure you must feel like part of your life has been ripped away. But when you're ready, there's a new little life somewhere desperate to be given a loving home.

Pleased to see it has caused you to make a video again. From what I saw from occasionally passing by your site in days gone by, you seemed to get very disheartened by what you clearly felt was lack of progress or appreciation. Blogging was never going to be a road to riches or fame for most of us, but is merely an opportunity to speak out loud in public, whether anyone listens or not. That said, you had more success than any other UK videoblogger, with your trips to the vloggies and that BBQ event. You can be rightly proud of your achievement and should maybe take satisfaction in that.
It would be nice to see you making the funny surreal videos like the ones that first got you noticed again. But I fear it will have be for your own amusement if you do as blogging is a source of expenditure rather than income for all of us, despite all the early hype.
Sorry Paul! My intended condolences have turned into an unasked-for lecture! All I've been trying to say is "chin up, chum!" Best wishes.