Hi there,
Just a little note here at the top, just to let you know that this site is far more than just the front page, down the side is a Vlog Archive Button, if you have the time, delve in and enjoy. It's all free and mostly either clever or funny, so what have you got to lose but time, time is sadly one of the things I can't refund, but hey! None of us are perfect.
Oh and PS... I love people who comment.

Tuesday, July 01, 2008

Space Series 3 - Auditions

Some aliens have twisted my arm into making some more Space shows, with their help and EA games "Spore" easy enough to do and I have learned a few more tricks editing this little beauty.

Click Here To Download


Tom Gosse said...

I vote for the green guy (or girl ... kinda hard to tell). I think I saw him on Pop Idol. Or American Idol. Or was it Alien Idol?

Loiez said...

That's great Paul. How do you do this animation ? I am very curious.