Hi there,
Just a little note here at the top, just to let you know that this site is far more than just the front page, down the side is a Vlog Archive Button, if you have the time, delve in and enjoy. It's all free and mostly either clever or funny, so what have you got to lose but time, time is sadly one of the things I can't refund, but hey! None of us are perfect.
Oh and PS... I love people who comment.

Monday, April 21, 2008

Rachel On The Radio

This week is National MS awareness week, and for those of you who have been paying attention, my Wife Rachel, has Multiple Sclerosis, she was asked by the National Society to take part in a local radio interview to help raise awareness of the Bastard of a disease. Audio is From the BBC (C), but I have paid for it so I have a right to reuse it, I suppose.

Click here To Download

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